
Make a Lemur Ring Toss

Work on your tossing and catching skills with this easy-to-make ring toss game.

What You Need

  • glue or tape
  • brown craft paint
  • white paper
  • colorful paper plates
  • cardboard paper towel tube
  • scissors

What You Do

  • STEP 1: Prepare Paper Towel Tube

    • Cover the paper towel tube with a piece of white paper. Tape or glue in place.
    • Paint brown rings around the tube from end to end. Let the paint dry.
  • STEP 2: Make Rings

    Carefully cut the middle out of several paper plates to make rings. If your plates are white, you can decorate the rings.

  • STEP 3: Play the Game

    Take turns being the tosser and catcher, moving farther and farther apart as your coordination improves.