
Make a Toucan Headband

You can be a toucan when you make and wear this colorful headband.

What You Need

  • 1 sheet each of yellow, light green, and black construction paper
  • crayons or markers
  • black feathers
  • glue stick
  • 2 large googly eyes

What You Do

  • STEP 1: Download, Print, and Cut Out Pattern

    Download and print the toucan headband pattern. Cut out the toucan’s head from yellow paper and the toucan’s bill from the green paper.

    toucan headband pattern

  • Step 2: Make the Bill

    Color the bill, as shown, with markers or crayons. Glue the two pieces of the bill together. Then glue the bill between the two pieces for the head.

  • STEP 3: Add Feathers and Eyes

    Glue black feathers and googly eyes onto the head.

  • STEP 4: Assemble Headband

    Cut a strip of black paper that is 2″ x 12″. Staple the ends of the strip together to make a headband that fits your head.

    Staple the completed toucan head to the front of the headband.