This hide-and-seek game can show your child how a tiger’s stripes help it blend in with the sunlight and shadows of its native grasslands.
What You Need
- Red marker
- Black marker
- 30 natural-colored toothpicks
What You Do
- Color Toothpicks
Color 10 toothpicks with a red marker. Color 10 other toothpicks with a black marker. Leave the remaining toothpicks plain. - Hide Toothpicks in Grass
Parent: Hide the 30 toothpicks in a grassy area. Give your child one minute to gather as many toothpicks as possible. - Talk About What You Learned
- How many red toothpicks did you find? How many black toothpicks? How many tan (plain) ones?
- Which toothpicks were easiest to find?
- Which two colors were closet to the colors of a tiger’s stripes?
- How do a tiger’s stripes help it hide in the grass?