Make a Bat Tree for Halloween

Go batty with this fly-by-night Halloween decoration!

What You Need

  • vase or tall jar
  • pebbles or dried beans (to fill the vase)
  • small tree branches
  • black construction paper
  • googly eyes
  • craft glue
  • yarn or string

What You Do

  1. Fill the vase.
    Fill a vase with pebbles or beans. Arrange the branches in the vase.
  2. Create the bats.
    Draw or trace the outline of several bats on black construction paper. Then cut them out.Here’s a bat pattern you can use:
  3. Glue on eyes.
    For each bat, glue on googly eyes and a loop of yarn, as shown.
  4. Hang the bats.
    After the glue has dried, hang the bats from the branches.

Craft by Michele Reyzer; photo by Mark Godfrey