Pine Cone Snowy Owl Pals

Make a family of snowy owls that won’t fly away when you take them out to play.

What You Need

  • yellow and white construction paper
  • cotton balls
  • glue
  • googly eyes
  • large pine cone and small pine cones
  • scissors
  • poly-fil stuffing
  • toothpick

What You Do

  1. Poke Cotton Balls Into Pine Cone
    • Use a toothpick to put little tabs of glue between the scales on a large pine cone.
    • Stretch out cotton balls. Then use a toothpick to poke the cotton balls into the pine cone.
  2. Add Wings
    Cut two wings out of the white construction paper. Glue a little bit of stretched cotton on each wing. Glue the wings to the pine cone.
  3. Add Eyes and Beak
    • Glue two googly eyes to the yellow construction paper. Cut out circles around the eyes and glue them onto the pine cone.
    • Break off a pine cone scale and glue it between the eyes to make the owl’s beak.
  4. Make Owl Chicks
    Follow the same instructions to make Mom except use small pine cones and poly-fil stuffing instead of cotton balls.