Make your table bloom with pressed-flower placemats.
What You Need
- pressed flowers
- poster board
- clear contact paper
- glue stick and scissors
What You Do
- Press the flowers.
- Pick a small bouquet of flowers.
- Put the flowers between paper towels and newspaper.
- Place inside a book. Stack more books on top.
- After a few days, remove the flowers from the book.
- Arrange the flowers.
Cut the poster board into placemat-sized sheets (about 12″ x 16″). Arrange the flowers on the poster board. Hold them in place with a dab of glue. - Add the contact paper.
Cut two sheets of contact paper that are a little larger than the poster board. Peel off the backing of one sheet and put the poster board on top of it.Peel the backing off the other sheet of contact paper and place it over the top of the poster board. Trim the edges.