Sea Turtle Cookies

Your child will dive into snack time when these cookies are on the menu!

Craft by Katie Greuel

What You Need

  • cookie dough
  • 10 chocolate chips, chopped into tiny pieces

What You Do

Tap image for a closer view.
  1. Make the dough.
  2. Shape dough into 1″ balls and place them on an ungreased cookie sheet.
  3. Use a fork dipped in flour to flatten the balls in a crisscross pattern for the turtles’ shells.
  4. Shape dough into pea-sized balls. Attach five of these to each “shell” to make the legs and heads.
  5. Bake for about 7–8 minutes in a 400° F oven.
  6. While still warm, push chocolate pieces into the turtles for eyes.Makes two-to-three dozen sea turtles. Enjoy!