November 2024

English Parent Reading Guide

Ranger Rick Jr. Fox coverDear Parents and Guardians:

Ranger Rick Jr. introduces your child to fun, new information about animals. This month you and your child will have fun learning about animal sounds and how one animal dances.

What do the animals say text

Turn to pages 26–27 and ask your child what the animals pictured have in common. They are all vocalizing or making sounds. Like people, animals make sounds to communicate with each other.

Ask your child what sound a cat or dog makes. Meow like a cat and bark like a dog. Then point to the list of animal sounds on page 26. Take turns guessing which sound each animal makes. You may need to use a process of elimination to figure out some of the answers. A list of correct answers can be found on page 3.

Sing Along QR codeAfter playing this matching game, look through the pages of the magazine and ask your child to find two animals that make sounds not listed on page 26. (The frog on page 4 croaks and the turkeys on page 13 gobble.)

Finally, turn back to page 27 and scan the QR code. Enjoy singing along with the animals.

Dance Like a Sifaka Words

On page 16, point out the photo of the sifaka. Explain that this animal is sometimes called a “leaping lemur.” To watch a sifaka dance scan the QR code on this page. Then encourage your child to get up and dance like a sifaka.Animal Quiz QR code


For some light-hearted fun, scan the QR code on page 5. You and your child can take a quiz to find out which animal you are most like.

Mike Wilson, Founder

Prekindergarten Reading Encouragement Project
PREP – Helping childhood literacy one family at a time.