Lego Brick Critters
By Anne CisselAn artist uses Lego bricks to create amazing animal sculptures.
Many kids think that Sean Kenney has the best job in the world: He plays with Lego bricks all day long! Why? He and his helpers use them to build enormous, one-of-a-kind sculptures. Sean has loved building with Lego bricks since he was a kid. He also loves wildlife. He decided to combine his two favorite things to create an exhibit of animal sculptures. It’s called “Nature Connects.”
In real life, most of the animals that are shown in the exhibit are in trouble because of habitat loss, climate change, or illegalhunting. Sean hopes his sculptures will inspire kids—and adults—to help protect these special animals. “Just as Lego pieces interconnect, everything in nature is interconnected in a delicate balance,” he says.
Sean and his team spent hundreds of hours building each sculpture. First, they looked at photos and videos of each animal. Then they sketched the animal, either by hand or by using a computer. Before they began the final sculpture, they built a metal “skeleton” to go underneath the bricks. This kept the sculpture sturdy.
The artist has millions of Lego pieces in every different color. He and his team use only bricks that are available in stores—no piece is specially made. For the “Nature Connects” exhibit, it was really important to Sean that the sculptures felt “alive.” He said the trickiest part was making each animal’s face. The team would often use the oddly shaped Lego bricks to get the right expression. Even the eyes are made from Lego pieces! When they were happy with the sculpture, Sean and his team glued each Lego brick in place by hand.
The exhibit has visited nearly 100 zoos, science centers, and other places around the world. Through his art, Sean has brought attention to the importance of saving these beautiful animals. And he had fun along the way.