Check out these giant bugs. They look perfect stuck in a plant pot or vase—and they won’t sting or fly away!
What You Need
- foam craft sheets
- glue
- googly eyes
- pen
- pipe cleaner
- scissors
- wooden dowel
What You Do
- Make the bug body.
Fold a foam crafting sheet in half. Draw a bug shape on the sheet. Be sure the top of your creature lies along the fold. Then, with the sheet still folded over, cut out your bug. Don’t cut along the fold. - Attach the stick to the puppet.
Slip the end of a wooden dowel inside the fold of your bug. Wrap a pipe cleaner around the body of the bug and then twist the ends around the dowel. - Add details to the puppets.
Add pipe-cleaner wings, antennae, and stinger (for the bee). Wrap pipe cleaners around the dowel for the legs, and then glue them in place. Glue on google eyes.