Celebrate the rain by taking your metal pots and pans outside and making rain music.
What You Need
- Metal pots
- Muffin tins
- Pouring rain
- Raincoat
- Rubber glove
What You Do
- Some day when it is pouring rain, gather metal pots, pans, bowls and muffin tins together.
Find a spot where you can set up the items and hear the “rain music” as it splatters on them.
Large plastic bowls make a “thud thud” noise which is not as satifying.
Thin aluminum camping pots make the loudest noise.
If you have a camera that records video, you can capture the sound. - You can also try holding the pots under a downspout.
At the corners of houses, when it is really pouring, sometimes the rain spills over the gutters. Here you can get a satisfying sound as well.
If the rain is cold, put on a rubber glove to protect your hand. - You can also collect the rain in the pots if you’d like.
This is handy to:
- measure how much rain falls during that storm
- water your plants in your house
- increase the water flow in the Waterways activity
- hear a different kind of sound