Paint on Transparencies and Warn Birds Away From Windows

painted window

Deter birds from flying into windows by decorating the windows. Any type of art is nice, but especially effective are shiny pieces hanging from a string, or paintings on transparent sheets if you want to let the light in.

What You Need

  • Art smocks or aprons
  • Newspaper
  • Paint brushes
  • Tempura paint
  • Toothpicks and cotton swaps
  • Transparent film or binder sleeves
  • Transparent tape

What You Do

  1. Paint on transparencies and feature them in your windows.
    Craft stores sell sheets of transparent plastic, so if you don’t want to paint right on your windows, you can have the kids paint on these sheets and apply them to the windows. Just put down some newspaper on the floor or a table, put on your aprons and the kids can start painting. Remember – ideally you cover at least 80 percent of the windows to keep birds safe.painted window
  2. Use toothpicks or cotton swabs to do finer lines.
    You can use old transparent sleeves from past work projects and cut them in single sheets. It’s fun to paint on because the brush swirls easily and the paint dries quickly. To add finer details, you can use a toothpick, or a cotton swab makes great dots.mermaid painting
  3. Make a temporary art gallery for other art also.
    Perhaps you need a new place to feature art, beyond the fridge! Consider a new gallery on your patio door or other large windows. Your kids can put up their art and even draw special frames around the art using washable markers.painted windows