Tissue Paper Rainbow

paper rainbow

Use tissue paper to make a beautiful rainbow to hang in your window.

What You Need

  • Glue stick
  • Rainbow pattern
  • Plastic page-protector sleeve
  • Scissors
  • Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple tissue paper

What You Do

  1. Download, Print, and Cut Out Pattern
    Download and print the rainbow pattern. Use the pattern to cut the plastic page protector into the shape of a rainbow.

    rainbow pattern

  2. Cut Tissue Paper
    Cut tissue paper into 1/2 inch squares.
  3. Glue Tissue Paper to Plastic Sleeve
    Open the plastic sleeve (which should now be a doughnut shape). Glue rows of the tissue-paper squares to one half of the plastic sheet. Start with a row of purple, followed by blue, green, yellow, orange, and red.
  4. Assemble and Hang Rainbow
    • Put dabs of glue along the red tissue and fold the plastic back in place to make the rainbow.
    • Allow glue to dry. Hang in a window.

    paper rainbow