Every issue of Ranger Rick Jr. magazine introduces your child to fun, new information about animals. This month you can use the article on sharks to help your child practice comparing things that are alike, but different.
Most children have heard of the great white shark. But not all sharks are alike. Turn to pages 6–11 and read the “Is That a Shark?” article together. Then ask your child to compare the seven sharks shown in the article. Encourage them with these two questions.
- How are the sharks alike? (They all swim in the ocean. They all have rough skin. They all have skeletons made of cartilage instead of bones.)
- How are the sharks different? (They are different sizes. They eat different things. Some of their bodies are shaped differently.)
After talking about sharks, use your phone to scan the QR code on page 8. It will take you to a funny video that shows the differences between members of the shark family.
Finally, turn to page 26 and introduce your child a prehistoric shark called megalodon. Ask how megalodon is different from sharks living today. How is it similar?
If your child has had fun learning about sharks, turn to page 2 to see a shark that he can make and wear. Directions can be found online at RangerRick.org/shark-hat.
For some light-hearted fun, scan the QR code on page 5. You and your child will meet several animals that give off a surprising odor.
I hope you and your family enjoy the rest of the summer!
Mike Wilson, Founder
Prekindergarten Reading Encouragement Project
PREP – Helping childhood literacy one family at a time.