
“Do the Booby!” Dance

Tie on these feet and dance like a blue-footed booby!

What You Need

  • scissors
  • 2 pieces of blue yarn or ribbon (about 18 inches)

What You Do

  • STEP 1: 

    Download and Print the Pattern
    .blue footed pattern

  • STEP 2:

    Cut Out Booby Feet
    Use the pattern to cut two booby feet out of the blue craft foam. Draw lines on both feet as shown on the footed booby feet

  • STEP 3:

    Attach Yarn to Feet
    Punch two holes as shown on the pattern. Thread the ribbon or yarn through the holes. Then tie the feet around your ankles.

  • STEP 4:

    Dance Like a Booby
    1. Lift your right foot up. Give it a try.
    2. Now lift your left. Lift it high.
    3. Flap your wings and point to the sky.
    4. Cross your bills. Don’t be shy.



    blue-footed boobies