Alligator Ice Cream Puffs in Mud

alligator cream puff

These alligator cream puffs are good to the last bite!

What You Need

  • 1/2 cup butter
  • 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • hot fudge
  • pistachio or mint ice cream
  • 1/4 cup teaspoon salt
  • 1 cup water
  • 4 eggs

What You Do

  1. Preheat the Oven
    Preheat the oven to 425°F.
  2. Boil Water and Butter
    Put water and butter in a large pot. Ask an adult to bring the water and butter to a rolling boil.
  3. Add Flour and Salt
    Add flour and salt. Stir until the mixture forms a ball.
  4. Beat in Eggs
    Put the mixture in a large bowl. Beat in the eggs one at a time with a wooden spoon.
  5. Drop Tablespoons of Mixture onto Baking Sheet
    Drop heaping tablespoons of mixture onto an ungreased baking sheet. Shape the drops of mixture with your fingers to make them longer.
  6. Bake Cream Puffs
    Bake for 25 minutes until golden brown. Let cool completely.
  7. Fill Cream Puffs with Ice Cream
    Open the puffs carefully with your fingers. Fill each with a scoop of ice cream. Cover with hot fudge and enjoy your cream puff alligator hiding in chocolate mud!alligator cream puff