Camping Fun

Are you ready for your own “best-ever” camping adventure? Sign up for this year’s Great American Campout! You can participate in your yard or another nearby place. Make it extra memorable with some of these outdoor activities:

  1. Before dark, conduct a nature scavenger hunt. Bugs, leaves, seeds, rocks, flowers, animal tracks—what treasures will you find? Divide into teams and keep a list of cool discoveries.
  2. At dusk, watch for fireflies. If you spot one flashing, try blinking a flashlight in the same pattern of flashes. Will the firefly blink back? Or even come closer?
  3. Listen to the chorus of night sounds. Can you hear frogs trilling, crickets chirping, katydids calling, or owls hooting?
  4. Stargaze. When it’s really dark, lie down and look up at the stars. See if you can find some familiar constellations. Or make up your own—and stories to go with them.
  5. Wake up the next morning and watch the sun rise.


campfire tale by dave clegg 1156x650
Click here to learn how to tell a campfire tale!


Click here for delicious s’mores recipes!