Make a Baby Chick in a Shell

po pom chicken

Make an adorable hatching baby chick from pom-poms and recycled egg carton cups to celebrate spring!

What You Need

  • Orange construction paper (tiny piece)
  • Craft paint, egg shell color of your choice
  • Two cardboard egg-carton cups
  • Yellow feathers (available at craft stores)
  • Glue
  • 2 googly eyes
  • Newspaper, to protect your works pace
  • Paintbrush
  • Two yellow pom-poms, about the size of a golf ball

What You Do

  1. Make egg shell
    Cut zigzag edges around the egg-carton cups to look like cracked eggshell halves.
  2. Paint
    Paint the inside and outside of the cups.
  3. Glue the pom-poms together
  4. Make the beak
    For the beak, cut a diamond shape from orange construction paper. Fold it in half and glue onto a pom-pom, as shown.
  5. Add eyes and wings
    Glue on wiggle eyes and feather wings.
  6. Add the eggs
    Put the chick in one of the cups. Set the other cup to the side.po pom chickenCraft by Michele Reyzer. Originally appeared in the April 2011 issue of Ranger Rick magazine.