Here are some scaly animals to give away or to hang on your Christmas tree.
by Kendra Lebo; Photos by American Image, Inc.
What You Need
- cardboard
- pine cones (You will need about one medium pine cone per animal.)
- wiggle eyes, buttons, or beads
- small sharp scissors
- ribbon
- white craft glue
What You Do
- Draw animal shapes on the cardboard.
- Cut out the shapes with scissors. (You may want to ask for an adult’s help.)
- Take a pine cone and carefully bend each scale backward until it snaps. Then ask an adult to help you cut the scales off the pine cones with small sharp scissors.
- Squeeze a thick line of glue on the cardboard shape where you want a row of scales to go. Then glue down the scales. Repeat for each row of scales. Overlap the scales a little so the cardboard doesn’t show.
- If you want, you can leave space for the eyes and glue on wiggle eyes, buttons, or beads.
- When the glue has dried, turn your creature over and glue on a long loop of ribbon.