snow geese flying

Animals on the Move

Meet three animals that travel far in search of food and safe places to have their babies.

Read It!animal migrations


Snow geese spend the summer near the North Pole. It is hard for the geese to find food there in the winter. So, they fly south in the fall, before winter comes. In the spring, the geese fly back to their summer homes.


Wildebeests (WILL-duh-beasts) eat grass. When the grass around them dries up, wildebeests start walking. The animals travel hundreds of miles as they follow the rain and the green grass it brings.

Watch wildebeests in action!

wildebeest video

Humpbacks spend summers in very cold parts of the ocean. These waters are rich with food. The whales stuff themselves all summer long.
Humpback babies would freeze in these cold waters. So, the whales travel thousands of miles to warmer parts of the ocean to give birth to their calves.


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