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- 8.5” x 11” piece of paper
- Print the flying-squirrel pattern on an 8.5” x 11” piece of paper.
- Fold the the paper in half vertically along the dashed line, so that the squirrel ends up inside the folded paper.
- Unfold the paper and turn it over.
- Take the top right corner and fold it over to the center crease.
- Then take the top left corner and fold it over to the center crease.
- Now that the top of the paper forms a triangle, take the top point and fold it down to meet the edge of the previously folded pieces.
- Fold the right side of the paper in to the center crease.
- Then fold the left side of the paper in to the center crease.
- Fold the paper in half vertically again.
- Fold the two sides out so that you can see the flying squirrel on the top of the plane.
- Attach a paper clip beneath the squirrel’s nose to hold the two sides of the plane together.
- Make the squirrel fly!