Make an underwater seahorse scene using scraps of paper and yarn.
What You Need
- blue, green, and yellow construction paper
- craft glue
- large googly eye
- seahorse art pattern
- scissors
- red yarn or material scraps
What You Do
- Download and print the seahorse art pattern.
- Use the pattern to cut a seahorse out of yellow paper.
- Glue the seahorse on the blue paper. Allow time to dry.
- Cut 30 strips of yellow paper (6″ x ½” each). Roll the strips around a pencil and set aside.
- Spread a thin layer of glue on the yellow seahorse. Then stick the rolled pieces of paper in the glue.
- Glue on the googly eye.
- Cut pieces of red yarn for coral and pieces of green paper for seaweed. Glue them onto blue paper to make an underwater scene.