Make Fish Bean Bags

fish bean bag craft

Turn old socks into fish bean bags for a game of catch!

What You Need

  • uncooked beans or rice
  • permanent marker
  • empty milk or soda bottle
  • scissors
  • old socks
  • masking tape

What You Do

  1. Make Bean Bags
    Fill the socks with a handful of beans or uncooked rice and tie a secure knot. Trim the cuff of the sock to make a fishy tail. Draw a face on the fish with permanent marker.
  2. Make a Catcher
    Use an empty milk or soda bottle to make a catcher. Cut off the bottom and tape over the edge with masking tape.
  3. Play with Your Bean Bags
    Take turns tossing and catching your bean bag fish with friends and family members. You can move farther away from each other as you get better at catching. Have fun!

fish beanbags

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